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The real power of data is in your hands.

Joy Poole | 1 mins read
Today the BBC posted an interesting article on a new government department, set up purely to integrate and assess data - read it HERE

What is Techposter Syndrome and why is it a thing?

Joy Poole | 3 mins read
Techposter Syndrome noun [tek·post·er sin·drome] 1. The feeling of doubting one’s own competency with or understanding of technology. 2. The fear of having this perceived shortcoming exposed.

Put the reactive chaos of 2020 behind you: it’s time for HR to get creative again

Joy Poole | 2 mins read
2020 was one of the most chaotic years on record for HR leaders. It was the year of firefighting, spinning plates and applying band-aid solutions wherever necessary.

Tears, Tissues and Tech: the HR balancing act of managing employee wellbeing and workplace tech

Joy Poole | 2 mins read
The two challenges are, of course, intertwined. There is mounting evidence of poor workplace tech leading to bad mental health, which in turn costs businesses worldwide $1 trillion each year in lost productivity, according to World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics.

TechKnow episode 7: Ethical AI with Kit Ahweyevu

Joy Poole | 0 mins read
Our latest edition of TechKnow focuses on the ethical dilemmas and dangers posed by our current use of AI and the steps we can take to mitigate them. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) advisor Kit Ahweyevu spoke to us about the ways in which we can safeguard inclusion, belonging, and equality in AI.

"Data runs through most organisations like a lazy river." TechKnow guest Mike Hobday on extracting value from data

Joy Poole | 0 mins read
According to Gartner, almost 80 percent of the world’s data is unstructured; an ocean of documents, emails, image and audio files residing outside of the traditional rows and columns of databases and spreadsheets. To fully realise the potential of all of this unstructured data, businesses need the tools to order it and d.

"Business people don't need to understand how the algorithm works - just what it can do." AI strategist Andrew Burgess offers a dose of reality on TechKnow

Joy Poole | 1 mins read
When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, our understanding of the technology has often been at odds with the reality of what it is capable of. This has resulted in a lack of wildly successful use cases. Recent research from IDC found that half of AI projects fail for one in four companies on average, with “unrealistic e.

Why tech fluency is a leadership imperative

Joy Poole | 2 mins read
Every disruption - whether driven by a crisis like Covid-19, a swift move by a competitor or shift in consumer demands due to an emerging technology - has a monumental opportunity nested inside of it. As a leader, it’s your job to guide your organisation to take advantage of that opportunity.

Leaders need to embrace #MentalHealthAwareness now more than ever

Joy Poole | 3 mins read
In a year during which families and colleagues have been prised apart and forced inward, we can truly say that #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek has taken on new importance. But even without the trials of this fraught period, there has been a mental health epidemic brewing in the world of work for years - so much so that employ.
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