
Why businesses must slay the sacred ‘proof of concept’ to adopt digital transformation

Written by Press Releases | Jul 29, 2020 1:18:32 PM

If the Coronavirus outbreak has taught business leaders across industries anything so far, it’s that embracing technology should be a huge part of any business’ plans. This doesn’t mean welcoming new tools hurriedly, uncritically and with open arms; but diagnosing your opportunities and pain points and defining a technological vision that can benefit your company and its stakeholders in profound ways.

The old risk-averse, short-termist, cautious approach to digital transformation involving extensive ‘proof of concept’, ‘waterfall methods’ and extensive procurement is raising the barrier to digital transformation. When it comes to digital transformation, businesses need instead to rediscover the philosophy of taking a calculated risk and asking for forgiveness, not permission.

Read Emergence CEO David Poole's full guest feature in Data Economy Magazine.