
Don’t gamble on the future of your workplace – let data lead the way

Written by David Poole | Jun 16, 2021 3:57:10 PM

The five-day office week could become the norm again within two years, according to reports from the BBC. 

This suggestion may come as a surprise to those who have been preparing for a remote working new normal – but it should serve as a reminder that nothing is certain in the evolution of the workplace. 

There are different schools of thought on the future of the office - from 100% work-from-home to 100% office-based and everything in between. 

Whatever the case, one thing the pandemic has highlighted is the need for businesses to have full visibility of their operation, in order to understand the needs of their workforce and put the right infrastructure and processes in place to support them. 

Many businesses will be navigating a two-year road map back to a partial or full-scale return to bricks and mortar. But without a holistic overview and granular data showing how the organisations operates, it’s impossible to know what works best for the business and for employees.  

Take the guess work out of workplace transformation 

Whether you’re building a roadmap for a full office return or aiming to find your ideal middle ground, it’s imperative to manage the transition in a way that juggles optimisation with cost-effectiveness, increased revenues and minimal disruption.

Organisations don’t necessarily have the time or the budget to support big waves of transformation in these times of uncertainty, so being able laser-focus on what areas need attention and in what order could be a key driver for many organisations. But where do you start? 

You start with the data.  

Profit Finder is a unique combination of AI-powered diagnostic technology and a bespoke transformation consultant to drive data-driven decisions on workforce management. Together they take a holistic view of the people, processes and technology of a business, identify immediate opportunities for improvement and automation and crucially, create data-driven business case for change. 


We deploy Profit Finder on desktops across the organisation to give clients ongoing empirical data and drive the key decisions on what their own roadmap should be, giving insights and visibility on:

  • Perfecting the work-life balance for employees – when are users at their busiest and do they have the right downtime? 
  • Tracking peak demand hours and maximising capacity and engagement for those times 
  • Identifying what systems are being accessed and when – and which are the most successful
  • Monitoring how much collaboration is taking place and finding new ways to encourage more 
  • Pinpointing which processes could require optimisation or automation 

For one recent Emergence client, Profit Finder found that automation would save $250k/year in areas of over-resourcing and inefficient time allocation – for example, one of the insights we uncovered was that customer service agents only spent 4% of their time actually speaking to customers. 

As your company takes steps from remote to hybrid or in-office working (or vice versa), these are the types of granular details that can be the difference between engaged and efficient employees, and organisational breakdown. 

The modern workplace is a field with constantly shifting goalposts. But rather than simply holding a finger to the wind and estimating a roadmap, Profit Finder gathers empirical data from across your business to take the guesswork out of workplace transformation. The constant data-driven feedback it provides, combined with a bespoke Emergence transformation consultant to act upon those insights, enables you to stay flexible and alert to the evolving needs of your business and your people. 

What’s more, to accommodate for the constantly fluctuating and unpredictable demands of workplace management, Emergence Partners provides agile and hyper-bespoke services. No more big, slow, expensive teams of consultants. No more assumptions. No more cut and paste solutions. This is in-flight, risk-free, cost-effective and tailored transformation, all based on hard data. 

Find out more and book a meeting to see how Profit Finder can support your business.