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Claims frustrations are rising, faith in insurance is decreasing - how can insurers repair their fractured relationship with the public?

James Hall | 3 mins read
For an insurer, offering a fundamentally human service can be the difference between easing a customer’s woes and adding to them.

GBS of the future: the backbone for digitalisation?

James Hall | 3 mins read
In recent years, the general administrative operations of large organisations have been moving toward a global business services (GBS) model of shared services, with offshore centres housing behind-the-scenes tasks like invoice processing. The influence of GBS is increasing, with 41% of CFOs recently indicating their fin.

We’re about to see an automation rush - but first there is groundwork to be laid

James Hall | 1 mins read
Automation adoption is about to accelerate, but success is far from guaranteed. With economic recovery at stake, businesses risk making the same short-termist mistakes that have seen automation investments fail to succeed at scale over the past decade. Before rushing into quick fixes, business leaders should remember the.